



The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar.

A very popular dish during the Dragon Boat Festival is zong zi. This tasty dish consists of rice dumplings with meat, peanut, egg yolk, or other fillings wrapped in bamboo leaves.

Considering this time of year an especially dangerous time, many Chinese will hang various herbs, called Ay Tsao, on their doors for protection.





文中的Dragon Boat Festival就是“端午节”的意思,又称端阳节、五月节等,已被列入世界非物质文化遗产名录。festival的意思是“节日”,多指民俗或宗教节日,如:the Lantern Festival(元宵节),the Spring Festival(春节)。

第二段中的bamboo是名词,泛指一般的“竹,竹子”时不可数,如:Bamboo is not a tree, but a kind of grass. (竹不是一种树,而是一种草。);还可用于其他名词前作定语,如:bamboo chair(竹椅)



1.Qu Yuan jumped off river     


In order to commemorate patriotic poet Qu Yuan who jumped into the Miluo river, and avoid his body to be eaten by fish and shrimp, so people cast many of bamboo rice (rice dumplings) in the river, and compete to row (acetate ship) hoping to find the body of Qu yuan。     


2.Cao E looked for her father’s corpse     


Cao E, dutiful girl of the eastern Han dynasty, whose father drowned in the river when she was 14-year old. She cried along the river, still didn’t see his father’s corpse after 17 days, and she jumped into the river on May 1st as well, after five days the two corpses folded together and float. That was a moving story, so people in the township worship her。     

东汉孝女曹娥,因曹父溺江而亡,年仅十四岁的她沿江豪哭,经十七日仍不见曹父尸首,乃在五月一日投江,五日后两尸合抱而浮起的感人事迹, 乡人群而祭之。

3.Madam White Snake     


The legend of white snake Bai Suzhen, in order to repay Xu Xian , fell in love with him and finally got married. On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival white snake drink realgar wine, almost reveal herself snakelike, and among the white snake, Fa Hai and water logging Jinshan temple , are popular folk opera repertoire。     


4.Wu Zixu’s death anniversary     


It’s a legend that after He Lu ,the king of Wu died , the prince Fuchai ascended the throne, send armed forces to suppress Yue and won. Goujian ,the king of Yue please reconciliation , Fuchai didn’t listen but agreed treacherous official and judged Wu Zixu commit suicide. And jumped his body into river on May 5, since then people commemorated him on Dragon Boat Festival。     


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